« Nearby EVERY thing is real … »


Here is a SAMPLE of views concerning the « WORLD » where the scene takes place …

AMZ Cloud City, with, inside IT, the #Val_FERRAILLE district, the Centre Le Vile part, of course, and a lot of COURSES throught the city, the country …

Imagine your thoughts while you look at the window and see a VAN with a guy outside from the right window, with a Rifle, nearby 2 in da morning !

That’s where I live …

So, take care, IT will be ARCH to believe, sometimes, but this story, said as #TaTriX, is based on TRUE EVENTS, TRUE CHARACTERS, TRUE PROBLEMS, ALL is true, pour de #Vray 🙂 … so, the only fake thing, in reality, is that it’s in 3D now …

Nearby EVERY thing is real …

WE just add some colors to things that have not, yet, colors, concreted as walls, as walls …

AMZdevMo, at your Services …

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